Education Bureau Information


How should parents express their love for their children?

Source: Parenting Specialist, Ken Sir,

Some mothers often ask me, “How should I show my love for my children?” Will it be spoiled by expressing too much? I think that Chinese people are more introverted and are often afraid to express their love. Especially when you want to express your concern for him but end up with a different attitude.

I once saw a mother and her little child lost in Shatin and then reunited. How did the mother behave after the reunion? She grabbed him by the hand and hit him while saying, “I just couldn’t see you; do you know how scared I was?” I am very worried about you. What can I do if I can’t see you?


In fact, everyone knows that his mother loves him, but the child cannot feel it. I often share an example of how to express love in my lectures. When I was a child, my father ordered a drink, and since he didn’t have much money at the time, he asked the waiter for an extra cup after ordering a hot drink. He kept pouring the drinks around in front of me, trying to get the drinks cold as soon as possible so that the kids wouldn’t burn their mouths when they drank them and they could drink them faster, but I found that if the kids asked their parents or I asked many of the student’s parents, they would all answer, “This will get cold faster.”

When responding to children, parents should express their deepest feelings, such as “Because I love you, how would I do this thing if I didn’t love you?” Do I do it for the one next to me? In fact, there are many things we can do in life to express love, but there is one thing we must remember if we are to avoid causing spoiled, you must remember the following two points.


The first point is that if a child can do something, he should be allowed to do it; you should not fight to make him do it. The second point is that when a child makes a mistake, we should correct him. In the process of correction, we should be gentle and firm, and serious when we need to be serious. However, remind the child that he or she should be told the solution, not just no or wrong. If so, the child will not improve.

Education Bureau Information

依賴奶樽影響牙床發展 自然戒奶樽有辦法

Relying on milk bottles affects the development of the dental cavity. There are ways to quit naturally.

Written by: Registered educational psychologist, Pang Chi Wah

Children need to eat with the help of milk bottles during infant and toddler time. However, many children reach the age of three and use other cups to drink other beverages, but still   rely on milk bottles when drinking milk. Long-term use of milk bottles can affect the        development of children’s dental cavities. What can parents do to help their children quit    using bottles?

 First, we need to understand the reasons why children rely on milk bottles. Children may   be separated from their parents for long periods of time, making them feel insecure, and    using a milk bottle is like “legally” using a teat, providing them with a sense of security. If children are forced to stop using milk bottles, it may have the opposite effect, so the         method of quitting should be gradual.

In order to learn to swim, for example, if you want children to quit using swim rings, the    best way is to deflate them gradually so that children will slowly adapt to not using the     swim rings. Parents who want their children to stop using milk bottles can gradually reduce the amount of milk they give their children so that they no longer rely on bottles to get full and reduce their children’s psychological need for bottles.

In addition, parents can also try to prick a few more holes in the nipple to increase the flow of milk for children, then slowly open up the teat, and finally even cut it so that children    can drink milk with a straw. The advantage is that children can still smell the milk, and the familiar smell can make them feel safe, while unknowingly quitting the bottle.

Education Bureau Information


Three steps to teach children to eat on their own

Written by: Senior Parenting Specialist,Bally

When children go to school, they have to eat on their own. It is not an easy challenge to    teach children to eat well, as they have to eat attentively and refrain from playing with      food. In fact, parents only need three steps to teach their children to eat on their own.

First, parents need to teach their children to eat on their own. Parents are frequently          anxious for their children to finish their meals quickly, fearing that they will not eat and    will have to be fed by their parents. In fact, starting at 6 months of age, children should get used to using their own hands to put food in their mouths, with parents only assisting them.

Parents should let their children pick up the utensils and eat by themselves so that they do  not just get fed but also get a sense of participation and motivation to eat.

Second, help children with hand-eye coordination. Sometimes children may not be able to  hold the utensils properly because of their own hand-eye coordination issues and may be angry and not eat. Parents can use words to remind children how to move the utensils           backwards and forwards, or they can train children’s coordination skills on a daily basis so  that they can cope with the challenges of eating on their own and reduce the difficulties     they encounter.

Third, give praise and encouragement. Children will inevitably encounter difficulties and   frustrations when learning to eat. If parents keep scolding, “Why is it so messy?” “Why do you eat so slowly?” Naturally, children will not be able to enjoy food and will not eat on    their own initiative for fear of being scolded when they see food.

If parents provide encouragement at this time and praise their children when they do, they will continue to be courageous and overcome the frustration of learning to eat. Parents      should also remember that when children are eating on their own, don’t clean up after them, as this will prevent them from trying to eat on their own.

In addition, parents often misunderstand that their children do not eat. In fact, children just don’t like certain dishes, and if parents force them to eat, it forms a vicious cycle.

Education Bureau Information

(Video) Event Highlight on Play with Your Children Day

Education Bureau Information

Activities of the “Playtime with Children” series aim to encourage parents to play with their children, increase mutual communication, build a stronger bond and enhance their relationship. To let parents understand the importance of play to children’s development, the Education Bureau (EDB) organised a territory-wide “Play with Your Children Day” on 11 December 2022 at Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School.  On that day, the Under Secretary for Education, Mr Sze Chun-fai was the officiating guest and kicked started the activities under the “Playtime with Children” series launched by the EDB in the 2022/23 school year. Around 200 kindergarten and primary school parents and students joined the event. The parents made a pledge to create quality time with children together under the leadership of the Chairman of the Committee on Home-School Co-operation, Mr Eugene Fong.

Education Bureau Information

Parent-child tips – Ten health tips for parents to guide children to use the Internet and electronic screen products

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 教育局亦針對學生的不同需要﹙例如有精神病患的學生及有自閉症的學生等﹚提供建議及資源,幫助學生處理壓力及焦慮。對於有精神病患的子女,家長可參考「關愛孩子好精神」家長教育系列,以了解不同種類的精神病患的徵狀、處理方法及家校支援策略,系列內的八個小冊子均備有中文、英文及八種少數族裔語文版本。對於有自閉症的子女,家長可參考「全日上學去 – 協助有自閉症的學生適應全日面授課堂」家長錦囊,透過具體的建議行動清單,與子女一起迎接校園生活。


Source:家長智NET (

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How to Help Children Overcome Procrastination

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(Video) Parental care and love help children grow up with confidence

Education Bureau Information

The Education Bureau has produced a new Television Announcements in Public Interest (TV API) on positive parent education, along with a newly released theme song of the Positive Parent Campaign, “Accompany Your Child to Grow Up with Love” sung by Singer Ms. Cindy Au, with an aim to promote to the parents and the public the proper ways and attitudes on nurturing children. The TV API is titled “Parental care and love help children grow up with confidence”. In the video, members of the Light Family, who are the ambassadors of the Positive Parents Campaign, pass the light bulbs symbolizing positive parenting to parents one by one, hoping that parents would always adopt a positive attitude towards parenting, among which includes boosting children’s self-confidence, encouraging them to enjoy the learning process, supporting their healthy growth, and unleashing their potential.